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All That Jazz Dance Academy


Phone (419) 341-3018
Address 5505 Tiffin Avenue,
Castalia, OH 44824 United States


Welcome and thank you for choosing All That Jazz Dance Academy, a member of the American Dance Teacher's Association and Dance and Gym USA. We emphasize proper technique and terminology. We offer classes in ballet/pointe, lyrical/modern, hip hop, jazz, tap, musical theater and strength and conditioning. All That Jazz has been in business for 16 years and has built a strong reputation in helping each student develop their talent in order to reach their highest level of potential. Our passion for dance, learning and the arts has provided a strong foundation for our dance program. Whether you are looking for a recreational activity or training for a future in dance, All That Jazz can provide both, all in a professional and well organized studio. We encourage you to browse around our Web site and learn more about our phenomenal dance academy. If you have further questions, please feel free to contact us!

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